Marte arranca directo en Géminis después de dos meses y medio retrogradando por el signo. Durante estos días podemos estar notando mucho los efectos de este tránsito. Puede que sintamos mucha necesidad de poner nuestras ideas en orden, tirar adelante con proyectos, tener conversaciones importantes y tomar decisiones en cuanto a relaciones, estudios y viajes. Aquello que pasó o que ideamos en Noviembre y que se quedó un poco estancado estos meses, quiere ahora ser resuelto. Pero la realidad es que Mercurio sigue retrogrado en Capricornio y puede que sigamos todavía un poco confusos. Por suerte el día 20, éste también arrancará directo, por lo que a finales de la semana que viene deberíamos sentirnos con las ideas más claras y listos para tomar decisiones importantes. Este tránsito también nos hace reflexionar en nuestra manera de gestionar nuestras pasiones y nuestro enfado y rabia. Es probable que se den discusiones o debates acalorados ( solo hay que ver la que se ha armado con la nueva canción de Shakira que salió un día antes de que Marte se pusiera directo lol ) y es importante poner el foco en la gestión de emociones marcianas como la impulsividad, el deseo, la agresividad y la rabia reprimida. Es un gran momento para darnos cuenta de si hemos estado integrando bien las lecciones que traía este largo tránsito de Marte en Géminis en cuanto a sana comunicación. Si eres de los que suele encenderse rápido, le cuesta escuchar y suele querer imponer su punto de vista a lo demás, ¿has conseguido tener discusiones donde mantienes la calma , escuchas y respetas las opiniones ajenas? Si eres de los que normalmente no expresa su opinión por miedo a herir a los demás, te falta asertividad y muchas veces te dejas llevar por otros para evitarte un conflicto, ¿has conseguido alzar más tu voz, expresar más los que piensas o sientes y decir más NOs? Marte seguirá en post-sombra hasta Marzo (recorriendo los grados que ya retrogradó) por lo que nos volveremos a encontrar con situaciones relacionadas con sus retrogradación, pero ahora es nuestra oportunidad para actuar desde un lugar de mayor consciencia. Buen momento para reflexionar y evaluar lo vivido desde noviembre. ¿Qué lecciones crees que te está trayendo este tránsito?
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En nuestra vida cerramos ciclos a menudo para empezar otros nuevos. Finalizar en un trabajo, mudarte de ciudad, terminar una relación. Pero realmente, ¿qué significa cerrar un ciclo?
Muchas veces ponemos fin a algo en nuestra realidad externa pero no lo hacemos en la interna, y pasa que similares situaciones y personas vuelven a aparecer en nuestra vida trayéndonos otra vez esa energía de la que intentamos desprendernos una vez. Cerrar ciclos es también un trabajo interior, un trabajo de aceptación, de agradecimiento, de auto análisis, de resignificar tu historia, de fe y de amor propio. El vacío que deja un final nos da tanto vértigo que a veces nos lanzamos a lo siguiente por miedo sin realmente valorar si es lo que de verdad queremos. Pero si tienes el coraje y paciencia de transitar el duelo y el vacío, liberarte del pasado y cultivar la energía que quieres atraer en tu vida, abres espacio para el cambio real. Este año he cerrado varios ciclos, y empezado otros, he dejado atrás personas, lugares, pero aún estoy en el proceso de dejar atrás miedos, malos hábitos, corazas e inseguridades. A principios de año la vida me dio una gran lección y fue la de mirar más hacia dentro y dar prioridad a mi paz interior. Me di cuenta de que la paz y felicidad que mantenía, a pesar de todas las situaciones estresantes que estaba viviendo, era tan superficial que si yo no quería verlo mi cuerpo me lo iba a tener que mostrar, y así es como tuve el peor brote de eczema que he sufrido en mi vida. Hoy agradezco haber pasado por ello porque me hizo poner el foco en mi propia sanación, que mucha falta me hacía. Me hizo darme cuenta una vez más de que a pesar de mi fuerte coraza de que nada me afecta, las cosas me afectan profundamente, y me hace falta mucha presencia para darme cuenta. La vida me llevo a finales de año a descubrir otra herramienta para ayudarme en la tan importancia presencia, y es que puedo decir que aprender a meditar, e integrar la práctica en mi día, día me está cambiando la vida. Para el nuevo año deseo seguir sanando y aprendiendo mientras ayudo a los demás a hacer lo mismo. ¿Y tú? Reiki came into my life through family members. The first time I heard about it was 10 years ago, I was in the south of Spain with some family, my grandmother had passed away and we were there for her funeral. I was sharing the bed with my older cousin, and she had just been initiated to Reiki so she was doing her 21 days self-healing then. Before sleeping she told me to do it with her. By then I was completely ignorant about Energy healing, but I already felt how my body was reacting to it during that difficult time. Years after my sister got into Energy healing and she started giving courses, the pandemic started, and I was just made redundant from the sales job I had then. I’ve joined her first course in therapeutic dowsing. I bought a beautiful pendulum with the colours of the 7 chakras and I did my first self-healing and healing to friends with it. But my breakthrough came when I joined the Reiki course. After being initiated in the first level and starting my 21 days self-healing I was completely blown away by the power of it. That moment of self-healing became my favorite time of the day. With every hand position I could feel how that part of the body was opening, clearing up, how the energy was flowing more freely. I could also feel some areas that were more blocked, with stagnant energy that needed to be released and I was stopping there for longer. After it I joined a second level course and I decided to share it with the world. I quickly started doing it to friends and family and not long after I created this page to share it with people over the globe. I have recently completed my Reiki mastery, and I am really enjoying this increased energy experience and being able to heal even quicker. Is like getting high in high frequency energy. The more as you do it the more you feel it as well. At times I even feel like I’m not touching the ground and I am just floating in space. Who else loves Reiki or would love to try it? My Reiki sessions are back after a period focusing just on my own healing, send me a message to book. Sending you light, Julia The traumatic events we experienced in our life have a profound impact in ourselves, modifying our behaviors and emotional responses, especially in situations that remind us in some way to the traumatic event we went through.
It is important to be able to acknowledge and recognize those, as we are NOT our traumas and even though they can affect and impact our personality we should always choose to come back to our divine self, knowing that this is not an easy or quick path. Even if we are not our trauma, we need to validate it and accept it as a part of us in the moment present. We must get rid of any kind of guilt or bad feeling for still carrying it. They contribute to the person we are today, and some of them carry important lessons for our development, so there is no shame on them. It can be helpful to make your closer circle and support network aware of them, so they can be mindful and better comprehend you and support you if you get triggered at some point. With that being said, let’s be aware also that we won’t always find that mindfulness or support that we expect, and that is ok. Trauma can make us feel so vulnerable, and when we feel vulnerable, we can get egocentric, expecting our loved ones to be extra caring and supportive, and forgetting that they are also individuals with their own traumas and lives. But trying to find support is important, as isolating can make things worse, so try to surround yourself with people that feels like FAMILY. And I highlight this because not anyone is going to be right for you during that difficult time. You want to be surrounded by people who genuinely love you and care for you, and you want to avoid superficial connections and shallow plans that are made just to distract yourself from the pain. Sometimes it might be difficult to find people that really make you feel supported, know that this is also ok as no one teach us emotional intelligence or how to deal with traumatic events or negative emotions, not our own not the ones from others around us. Here is some advice to help you navigating a difficult time. These are things that will help you to heal:
Any other that you would add? Loads of love, Julia I know I have been talking about change and change for so long, but I can’t help the energies in the sky, and this is what they are calling us to do, since Saturn entered in Aquarius in 2020 where it will still stay until 2023 and where is also squaring Uranus in Taurus. This is an unstable and full of shifts time and is obvious in a large scale if you look at the whole pandemic situation for example. Aquarius and its ruler Uranus are the kings of change, surprises, evolution, and innovative ideas. They want to do things their own way and are independent but still involved in community projects that aim to change the world. This new moon in Aquarius represents a new beginning for us, something that it has been cooking for a while, but if you didn’t take the step needed before it might be happening now in such an unexpected way. This has been called the most powerful new moon of the year by some renown astrologists and I am happy is happening now, so we can take a new and fresh direction to set off our year. The reason why is so powerful is because: The moon and the Sun are also conjunct Saturn in Aquarius and in a square with Uranus in Taurus: This makes it quite complex as challenges and restrictions can be thrown in our way. Our plans might not be going as we expected, in fact our ideas of new beginnings might have suddenly completely shifted, but there is a higher reason behind it, trust that the universe is leading you somewhere better. Great time to set intentions in regards of businesses and work, realistic goals that require hard work and dedication. Also, for anything that aims to spread new ideas and bring the collective to a higher consciousness. Venus just stationed direct in Capricorn: After 40 days the goddess of love stationed direct this last Saturday 29th ( the moment when its effects are most noticeable) and will still be traveling its shadow until the 1st of March (the same degrees she traveled back during her retrogradation). All Venusian themes: love, relationships, beauty, money, and self-worth have been profoundly reviewed during this time and now we start getting more clarity on them. The way we relate to others and ourselves can never be the same again now. Being in the sign of Capricorn this retrogradation teaches us the importance of emotional responsibility, real commitment (to ourselves and/or others), and authenticity in our relationships. It could also carry lessons in regards of how we set boundaries, learning to say “no” and better understanding our limits as is a Saturn ruled sign. Capricorn works for the long run and is committed to build stability and security, so any relationships or creative projects where we were not truly invested in that way might come to an end now. Karmic relationships are also finishing, meaning that they were there for us because of a lesson that needed to be integrated, but we are now ready to let go and co-create something better for ourselves. Mercury will also station direct in Capricorn on the 4th of Feb and is now still in a conjunction with Pluto: Around the 30th we had important and probably heated conversations in regards of past issues that were not completely sorted, things that were still in the back of our minds and trauma responses that have been difficult for us to handle. This conjunction brought up some truth in our relationships that might not have been exactly what we wanted to hear or see, but it was needed. It also represented another push for us to remove from our lives anything that is no longer serving our new and more authentic self. Its time in Aquarius asks us to adopt a more detached view of certain situations and external behaviors so we can navigate all this intensity in a lighter way without taking things too personally. Happy new moon loves, Julia The sun entered in the visionary, rebellious and individualistic sign of Aquarius. During this season we are encouraged to embrace and show our weirdest and most authentic self. This is the alien of the zodiac, the different one, the one that goes against the tide, outside the norm. What a necessary energy for our evolution. The last of the air signs uses its mental power for downloading new and futuristic ideas that open new paths of knowledge and being. As an air sign is intellectual, quick witted, social and has ease of speech. It is also a sign that cares about the communal well being, and they might want to get involved in social and humanitarian causes. This energy represents the communities and/or group of friends that share your same ideals or mindset, and people with this energy in their charts tend to find security and development through them. Paradoxically this is such an independent and detached sign that despite being able to get along with everyone, it might struggle to create deep and meaningful connections. Also, as they tend to feel different from the rest, they can use that to inspire or connect with similar individuals or to alienate themselves thinking that everyone is so common and plain for them. Its ruler planet is Uranus, that’s what makes Aquarian people eccentric and full of surprises. Uranus is the planet of change and revolution. Is the only planet in the solar system whose orbit is horizontal instead of vertical, meaning that it travels through the universe completely sideways. The traditional ruler is Saturn which gives them responsibility, authority, and sensibleness. The fixed modality of the sign however provides this archetype with steadiness and strength, all it needs to pursue the social causes they are in and to fight for a better and brighter future. This can also make them very fixated in their ideas and they should watch out to not fall too much into extremes or fanaticism. Represented by the water bearer this represents their connection with a higher source and their ability to be the bridge from it into this plane. They are able to channel high knowledge and future visions, this is represented by the water they are pouring from the skies in order to clear and purify the world for receiving change and evolution. Happy birthday Aquarian friends, Julia The messenger of the gods starts its moonwalk in the 10th degree of Aquarius, and it will go all the way back until the 24th degree of Capricorn where it will turn direct again on the 4th of February. (Review this area of your birth chart to know which are the retrograde themes for you). Collectively, this is a time where the communication with the external gets a bit difficult; misunderstandings happen, we struggle to explain ourselves, we miss a detail from that important document, we forget to reply to an important email or to mention something very important at work. The communications and transports are prone to fail during these times therefore is not the most recommended time for traveling, for signing contracts or close important deals. However, the communication power of mercury turns inwards, and we become more introverted, we are gifted with a profound reflection ability and with the possibility of a deep understanding of our own nature. It is also a time where issues that we have not sorted out properly in the past come up again. We get in touch with old friends or lovers, and we face problems that we thought we overcame already. Aquarian energy put the focus of this retrograde in friendships, communities, technology, and innovation. Re-connection with old friends and pendant conversations will take place. Just be very conscious of what energy you allow back into your field, because decisions made during this period might not be the wisest and it is better to come up with conclusions when the planet moves direct again. Our plans might need to be reviewed as well, anything that involves technology and communication might require a new strategy. Things might slow down these days and you might find it difficult to get things done and move forwards with your projects ( Venus is also retrograde) but trust that you are on the right path and utilize this time to review your strategy and all the details for getting the desired and dreamed outcome. Next week mercury will trine the north node in Gemini making it a great time for channeling pure valuable information in regards to what we need to do to align with our purpose and mission here. Be open to the messages and signals. With love, Julia Perfect timing for setting up the resolutions of the new year if you have not done it yet. This archetype will help us with any intentions we set now around work, career, or anything that requires to assume responsibilities. Saturn the ruler of the lunation will support us with keeping the commitment and discipline up to achieve our goals.
Also being the planet of Karma, we can be sure that all the actions that we initiate today towards our goals and all the efforts we make will be rewarded bringing us the necessary for our continuous evolution and growth. First achievements might be specially noticed in July with the super full moon in Capricorn. Capricorn encourages us to take ownership of our life, be our own boss and put our shit together. He’s got no time for victimization or overthinking; instead he knows that he is the co-creator of his own reality, and he assumes this power with pride and grace. He knows that constant work will take him where he wants, and he is a master in not allowing the emotional roller coaster of life to interfere with that. This new moon is a call to lead and set big intentions in regards to our inner and outer world, our chance to hope for a 2022 more aligned with our true nature and purpose. Use the self-reflection capacity of this sign to connect with your real wants and desires and set intentions that are truly in tune with that. Mercury ingress in Aquarius and the harmonious connection of this New Moon with Uranus in Taurus will help us with a more innovative, original outlook and with intentions related to communities, friends, and social change. Wish you all a happy new moon, a happy new year entrance and remember to dream BIG. Mwah x Julia Capricorn season is here! Is that time of the year where the energy supports us to step up into our power, into our wisdom, our high- standards, values and goals. Capricorn energy is goal setting, determination, hard work and consistency. This energy is down to earth, practical, and disciplined; it has all the necessary to achieve all the desired success in life. The last of the earth signs has learnt already how to be resilient and create abundance (Taurus), how to be organized and methodical (Virgo) and is ready to now build its own empire and make an impact in the collective with its wisdom. As an earth sign, he values materialistic possessions and earthly pleasures. He focuses on achieving and manifesting in this plane and normally distrust all the mystical and spiritual as he cannot perceive it with his five senses. It belongs to the cardinal modality which gives Capricorns a great drive and leadership skills. They are good initiators and are always open to start and explore new projects with great ambition, however they must take care not to get deflated too soon if they don’t see the expected results straight away. As the Goat climbs to the top of the mountains, this sign has the capacity to climb to the highest of societal levels, slowly but surely. Their horns are a symbol of their determination, strong character, and strength. Saturn being the ruler planet of this sign gives Capricorns a strong sense of responsibility, limits, and difficulties in life, that’s why sometimes they can become pessimistic as they are too aware of the obstacles in this reality and sometimes, they need to trust more in their capacity to overcome them. It is said that Capricorns get younger with age. They are old souls trapped in little bodies when young, and they can feel very misplaced and challenged during that time, but with time their spirit becomes younger as if all the weight they carry from past lives and family heritage would get lighter. Loners at heart, this is an introverted energy but with capacity to have a big impact in the community. I see people with this energy as “cool, calm and collected” and I find it so sexy! Its lessons in this lifetime are to get a good work- life balance as they tend to focus so much on their jobs. Also, to be able to open themselves to people outside of their social circle and to believe more in themselves and their capacity for attaining anything, among others! Anyone that feels more Capricorn than ever during their Saturn return? ( if you are 27-31 or 56-60 years old) I do! Happy birthday my Capri friends, Julia x The last full moon of the year is also the closing of the eclipses in Gemini- Sagittarius, the axis of truth and the mind, and symbolizes a realisation of an inner truth, a change of perspective in some matter that might have been buggering us for a while.
Julia MartinezAstrology, Energy healing, Personal growth, Spirituality. Archives
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